The Art of Creative Living
In this first episode of season 3, which will be dedicated to creativity as a whole, I started thinking about what creativity means to me, what it helps me with and what it creates when it’s not in my life. Obviously, creativity can mean many different things to many different people and it made me realize how important it is to define what creativity means to you, especially if you’re a creative person. One thing I realized is that whenever creativity was missing from my life, it happened to be some of the most difficult moments for me. Conversely, creativity happened to be at the center of me getting out of these difficult moments.
So how can we live our lives creatively? How can we transform ourselves into channels from which creativity can express itself?
Journal prompts:
What is your personal definition of creativity?
What space does creativity take in your life and how could you create more space for it?
Out of all the creative blocks I’ll share in this episode, which one resonate the most with you?
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Reconnect with the artist within, clarify your creative vision and find gentle structure to stay creatively consistent. Support yourself in building your own creative playground— an inspiring sanctuary for your artistic explorations, and find solutions to get unstuck when the creative process gets a bit messy.
Every month, we gather as a community of creative minds to find support, gentle accountability, focus and inspiration.
Let’s work together.
Ready to discover what you could create if your beautiful creative mind was not constantly taken hostage by harmful patterns and stories? Let’s work together to support your wellbeing and growth as an artist or creative entrepreneur.