Yearly Rebirth: A Winter Solstice journaling practice for clarity + expansion

Happy Winter Solstice! I’m so glad you’re here for this seasonal journaling practice. Our intention is to get curious about what we learned from this past year, update our definition of success, and identify what might need to shift or what might need to be released, so you can feel refreshed and ready to call in your beautiful 2024 goals.


Prompt #1: Allow yourself to acknowledge whatever emotion is present as you begin this journaling practice, and as you create space to reflect on this part year and prepare for the next. I’d encourage you to use this space for a release writing practice: as fast as you can, let the words flow on the page. Let it all out.

You can use prompts like: “The truth is, I'm feeling…”, “What's the weather like inside of myself, here and now?” or “What emotions are alive in my heart?”

Prompt #2: Let’s choose something to celebrate, here and now. Maybe no one has told you this lately— but I want to remind you that you are doing enough. Wherever you are today, there's one thing I know for sure: there is already much to celebrate here and now. So, I ask you, what can you choose to celebrate today? What is something beautiful you can notice in your current picture?


Prompt #3: Let’s get curious about what happened. Let’s reflect on:

  • The main events and obstacles you've been through… and how each of them shaped who you are today, a year later. So what happened, and what beliefs were created from each of those events? Those events can be challenges, but they can also be beautiful blessings and successes that happened. A little tip: you can do this month by month, reflecting on the main things that happened… maybe starting from January, or if it’s easier and fresher in your memory, starting from november and going backwards.

Prompt #4: Let’s get curious about why this happened, and how this might have happened for you. There are most likely some obstacles you had to face that you didn’t ask for… but still you had the courage to navigate them. For each challenge you have listed, ask yourself: what if this story happened for me? What blessings might be hiding behind a perceived failure or difficult situation?

Prompt #5: Let’s get curious about what we’ve learned from 2023. What did I learn in the process of overcoming these challenges? What skills have I learned or refined this year? What might have I unlearned that will benefit me in the future?

Prompt #6: Let’s get curious about what might need to change in light of this new information. What is my intuition telling me it's time to let go of? What can I forgive myself for? Where can I invite more compassion Where can I be a little more courageous?

Prompt #7: Let’s now integrate all of this… Completing this sentence: “My 2023 story was about…” (reflect about the main themes, lessons, growth opportunities, and what you will leave in the past).


Prompt #8: Let’s now take a look at the future, and start imagining our 2024 chapter and rehearse our success. But before we begin, I want us to reflect on our definition of “success”... For most of us creatives, our definition of what success looks like can be very different from the traditional image of what society promotes. And also, it can vary from year to year… what looked like success for you 10 years ago, is probably very different from what you consider success today. There’s no point in investing time and energy into creating a plan to reach a goal that's not a true reflection of what you consider a 'success'. So… let’s get curious… You can reflect on questions like: “What makes you feel alive, joyful, fulfilled?”, “What makes you proud of yourself?”, “What does disappointment feel like for you? What does it look like?”, “How will you know you’ve achieved success this year? How will you feel?”.

Prompt #9: Next, let’s dream, let’s hope, let’s imagine a successful, fulfilling, inspiring, joyful 2024 chapter. What would you LOVE this chapter to be about? You can write in the present tense, as if you were already there: write down everything you can see, hear, touch, taste or smell in this 2024 vision. If an image or symbol comes to mind, you're welcome to draw it.

Prompt #10: Let’s acknowledge the fears that might also be present as you start to imagine 2024. What are some cautionary tales you might be hearing from your inner critic? If you trusted yourself to get it right, what would you do differently? If you had 10% more faith in yourself, what actions would you choose to take? How can you support yourself?

Prompt #11: Let’s now manifest this beautiful vision… Completing this sentence: “My 2024 chapter will be about…” (your definition of success, hopes, goals, intention, energy, skills to learn, support system, etc.)

Curious about how coaching can support you this season? I'd be delighted to hold space for you in a complimentary clarity session



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