Guidance for when the fear of criticism hinders your creative growth
How can I stop being interrupted by self-criticism every time I’m about to create? In this episode, we explore our relationship to criticism— whether it's feedback we receive from someone else, or from ourselves (ie: inner critic). We take a look at what the resistance we feel around it, and discern constructive vs destructive criticism so we can set boundaries (with others and ourselves) to receive and use feedback in a helpful way.
Some pointers for asking constructive feedback:
Approach feedback with an open-mind, as an opportunity for personal growth. Keep an open mind before seeking any feedback, be it from others or your inner critic.
Select the right source: carefully choose someone whose opinion you value. Seek feedback from individuals who understand your work and can provide valuable insights.
Express your vulnerability: be honest about your apprehensions. Acknowledge your vulnerability by sharing your feelings: "I’m seeking feedback on my work, and it feels vulnerable. I’m looking to enhance my skills and would appreciate specific pointers."
Evaluate the feedback: when you receive feedback, assess its nature. Distinguish between constructive criticism and destructive comments. Set boundaries; if it doesn't benefit you, gently let it go. Seek clarification, ask for examples, and delve deeper to ensure you receive specific feedback.
Detach from self-worth: remember, feedback does not define your self-worth. It is aimed at improving your skills as an artist or business owner. Choose to reflect and respond thoughtfully, instead of reacting emotionally. Embrace feedback as a tool for growth and development.
Loving reminder: You don't have to do anything with the feedback you receive. You're the best person to know how/if it serves you. ;) Setting boundaries around the type of feedback you're open to receive might be helpful.