Harvesting change: A Fall Equinox journaling practice for renewal + progress

Listen to the episode here to follow along the live journaling practice.

Happy Fall Equinox! I’m so glad you’re here for this seasonal journaling practice. Our intention is to get curious about what can truly support your goals this season, what might need to shift or what might need to be released, so you can feel refreshed and ready to keep making progress on your creative goals.


  • What is present for me here and now? What might I need?


  1. What was magical this season? What have I created? How did I manifest this into reality? What can I celebrate?

  2. What worked well for me? What do I know now, that I didn’t know before? What feels clearer?

  3. What didn’t work so well? What have I learned and how can I use this? What needs to stop, change, start?

  4. What felt challenging this past season? What have I been feeling resistance towards? How can I cultivate courage moving forward?

  5. What have I been holding on to that is ready to be released? What will it make space for?


  1. How do I want to feel this Fall? What do I want to bring to life? What am I excited to create? What seeds do I feel inspired to plant? 

  2. Where do I need to orient my focus? What action steps do I need to take? How can I make it simple and easy?

  3. What feels scary or challenging? What patterns may I fall into? What might distract me from my goals? How can I support myself? How can I find safety?

  4. What is within my control? Where do I need to surrender?

  5. Where do I need discipline? Where can I invite softness? 

let’s integrate the insights

An invitation: create a physical anchor that would remind you of all the insights you gained during that practice (something you can display on your creative desk for example). It could be as simple as a post-it note with a permission slip, loving reminder, word or energy you want to carry with you this season.

Curious about how coaching can support you this season? I'd be delighted to hold space for you in a complimentary clarity session



Design a self-led creative retreat that will help you reconnect with the artist within, clarify your creative vision and find gentle structure to stay creatively consistent. Support yourself in building your own creative playground— an inspiring sanctuary for your artistic explorations, and find solutions to get unstuck when the creative process gets a bit messy.

The Creative Playground

Every month, we gather for a 60-min session away from busy-ness and perfectionism to create, play, experiment, try new things or take brave action (ps. that can also be radical rest!).


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Breaking free from the cycle of creative burnout and abandonment