Breaking free from the cycle of creative burnout and abandonment

This article is an excerpt from a past MONTHLY LETTER. If you enjoy this kind of grounding support, sign up to receive the monthly coaching package: it includes an article like this one, journaling prompts, creative practices, spiritual rituals and supportive tools to help you navigate your rebellious path as an artist or creative entrepreneur.

Dear creative mind,

Recently, I've been reflecting on a significant hurdle that many of us face in the creative community—the tension between burnout and abandonment.

Let’s be honest— the creative path is a tender one. Digging into your soul to express your deepest feelings and share it with the world is quite the vulnerable process. At times, we find ourselves pushing to the brink of burnout, overworking and exhausting our creative spirits. Other times, self-doubt may lead us to consider abandoning our projects or ideas. This oscillation between extremes can hinder our progress and limit the true potential of our creative work. 

This exhausting dance often arises from certain myths and beliefs we carry as creatives, such as the idea that we should create in isolation.

However, here's a comforting truth: you were never meant to walk this path alone. Embracing the support of others can not only prevent overworking but also elevate your creative work to new heights. Your projects and ideas can flourish when nurtured by the collective strength of a supportive community.

It’s time to liberate yourself from the narratives that hinder your growth and stifles your self-expression. Together, let’s pave the way for a more empowering story to be written.

Whether it’s through private coaching or community support, I’m here as your  gentle companion on the rebellious path of creative living. As your coach, my goal is to help you set a clear direction for your creative mission, illuminate the path to get there, and identify actionable steps you can take. Together, we'll build the practical tools and inner resources needed to navigate the twists and turns of this transformative process.

The core of our coaching journey is all about (re)discovering what is true for you as an artist and taking brave steps together to align your actions with your intuition and muse. In the sacred space of our coaching sessions, we'll get curious, experiment, play, and embrace mistakes as stepping stones to growth. I'll be there to provide unwavering support as you navigate the discomfort of the unknown and face the vulnerability that comes with creative + business explorations. 

Curious about how coaching can support you this season? I'd be delighted to hold space for you in a complimentary clarity session

Let's untangle the knots you're navigating on your creative path, so you can grow your creative mission with calm and confidence.

  • Focus on actionable steps to bring your vision to life and overcome overwhelm.

  • Nurture your creative well-being to find flow and embrace challenges with grace.

  • Turn your inner critic into a helpful guide for self-improvement and compassion.

  • Build emotional resilience to handle obstacles and grow from challenges.

  • Elevate your creative business with thoughtful and ethical strategies.

  • Embrace the joy in the creative process, celebrating every step of your journey.

    The journey to a fulfilling creative life is not about smoothening the path but learning to trust your ability to navigate the twists and turns, and I would be honoured to guide you in learning to cultivate that trust within yourself. Curious? Schedule a complimentary clarity call and let's meet to explore what support could look like for you :) 



Design a self-led creative retreat that will help you reconnect with the artist within, clarify your creative vision and find gentle structure to stay creatively consistent. Support yourself in building your own creative playground— an inspiring sanctuary for your artistic explorations, and find solutions to get unstuck when the creative process gets a bit messy.

The Creative Playground

Every month, we gather for a 60-min session away from busy-ness and perfectionism to create, play, experiment, try new things or take brave action (ps. that can also be radical rest!).

save on pinterest for later

Harvesting change: A Fall Equinox journaling practice for renewal + progress


Overcoming Stagnation + Creating Unburdened