Overcoming Stagnation + Creating Unburdened

This article is an excerpt from a past MONTHLY LETTER. If you enjoy this kind of grounding support, sign up to receive the monthly coaching package: it includes an article like this one, journaling prompts, creative practices, spiritual rituals and supportive tools to help you navigate your rebellious path as an artist or creative entrepreneur.

Dear creative mind,

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where despite your best intentions, most detailed plans, or finest routines, you just can't seem to progress and get past your creative stagnation?

I know I certainly have.

Over the years, I've grown an impressive collection of embryonic ideas— with countless Pinterest boards as the sole witnesses of my vivid imagination. When I'm not being careful, I can easily dwell there— castle-building, consumed by my reveries and infatuated with what could be, mesmerized by all the potential.

Maybe you've experienced this too: keeping your ideas hostage in your creative mind, tantalizing them with the prospect of seeing the light of day.

If this sounds familiar, then know you're not alone.

Dear creative mind, the truth is… it's essential to acknowledge that potential alone is not enough. Without action, it can become a dangerous trap when there's no intention of developing that potential into actualization.

When potentiality is a final destination and not a layover, we swim in a sea filled with "could" and "should"— both detrimental to creativity. Consequently, our ideas get swept away by all the magical or perfect ways they 'could' exist, only to drown in the tidal waves of how they 'should' become.

While there is an unquestionable comfort in conceptualizing what could be— to become the artist we've always envisioned, it's vital to take that first step towards creating reality from our dreams; mere contemplation of our aspirations is not enough to bring them to fruition.

Intentions, plans and routines do matter— to a certain extent. Yet, thinking about something is not doing it.

Tell me, when was the last time you abandoned your creative goals?

When hiding in our imagination, our ideas suffocate. They are fed stories of perfectionism, and thus, they starve. When we don't actively nurture them, we allow our confidence to slowly crumble and our self-trust to dwindle.

At times, we find ourselves consumed by the desire to achieve perfection to the point where we sabotage our creative work. Rather than being masters of creation, we become masters of destruction. We feed our ideas, hopes and dreams into an unquenchable inferno, watching the passion turn into ashes before our very eyes. We continue adding more and more chapters to our Book of Perfectionism, starving the very muse that once inspired us.

Instead, let's dive into the world of creation without the burden of perfectionism— embrace the discomfort of being a beginner, and the affliction of our art not being what we had in mind.

Let's dare see where that leads us.

Dear creative mind, what is a tiny step you could take this week?
And if things don't go as planned, what opportunities might arise from setbacks in your creative process? What lessons would you learn?

Let's untangle the knots you're navigating on your creative path, so you can grow your creative mission with calm and confidence.

The journey to a fulfilling creative life is not about smoothening the path but learning to trust your ability to navigate the twists and turns, and I would be honoured to guide you in learning to cultivate that trust within yourself. Curious? Schedule a complimentary clarity call and let's meet to explore what support could look like for you :) 



Design a self-led creative retreat that will help you reconnect with the artist within, clarify your creative vision and find gentle structure to stay creatively consistent. Support yourself in building your own creative playground— an inspiring sanctuary for your artistic explorations, and find solutions to get unstuck when the creative process gets a bit messy.

The Creative Playground

Every month, we gather for a 60-min session away from busy-ness and perfectionism to create, play, experiment, try new things or take brave action (ps. that can also be radical rest!).

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Breaking free from the cycle of creative burnout and abandonment


Making your creative mind a softer place to be