Full Moon Ritual for Creative Entrepreneurs

This article is an excerpt from a past monthly letter. If you enjoy this kind of grounding support, sign up to receive the monthly coaching package: it includes an article like this one, journaling prompts, creative practices, spiritual rituals and supportive tools to help you navigate your rebellious path as an artist or creative entrepreneur.

Join a Full Moon gathering for creative minds

I'd love to share with you a simple Full Moon ritual. Grab your favourite journal, light a candle, get cozy and let's dive in. Typically, days around the Full Moon offer a great opportunity for release in order to find more flow. Her energy invites us to close a chapter and let go of anything that is not supporting us. If it serves you, here's a sneak peek into my personal Full Moon Ritual — hoping this can inspire you to create your own. Play around with it and experiment. There's no right or wrong way to do this ritual, simply a playful and supportive way for you.

1. Assessing the wins, challenges, lessons and miracles

Reflecting on the past lunar cycle, I typically meditate and journal about what I've been able to manifest, what has been more challenging (with curiosity and compassion), and what I've learned.

Prompts: What am I proud of? What have I been feeling resistance towards? In what ways life has been magical lately?

Supportive practices: journaling, meditating.

2. Realigning with the intention and celebrating the here and now

It can be easy to get side tracked from our initial intention, getting swept away by life or influenced by external noise — that's why I spend time realigning with the intention I had set around the New Moon and observing what's already going well for me in this present moment.

Prompts:  What am I welcoming into this cycle? What is my intention? What is magical about the situation I'm in? How can I cultivate more joy here and now? What am I grateful for?

Supportive practices: journaling, creating a gratitude list, any activity that's playful for you.

3. Releasing what's not supportive and moving the energy out

Reflecting on my intentions, I take a moment to choose the supportive habits, beliefs and practices that will help me move towards my goals with more ease and grace — and letting go of what doesn't.

Prompts: What have I been holding on to that is ready to be released? In releasing this, what will I make space for? What do I commit to? What are the habits, boundaries and actions that will support me in welcoming my intention? What are some personal commandments that could guide me?

Supportive practices: release writing, dancing, art therapy exercises, EFT.



Design a self-led creative retreat that will help you reconnect with the artist within, clarify your creative vision and find gentle structure to stay creatively consistent. Support yourself in building your own creative playground— an inspiring sanctuary for your artistic explorations, and find solutions to get unstuck when the creative process gets a bit messy.

the creative playground

the creative playground

The Creative Playground

Join an intimate group of kindred spirits for a Full Moon creative gathering. We’ll unplug from the external noise and reconnect with the artist within. Bring your cup of tea or glass of wine, brushes, pencils, yarn, journal, guitar, microphone... and an open mind to experiment and play.

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