How to Overcome Indecision

This article is an excerpt from a past monthly letter. If you enjoy this kind of grounding support, sign up to receive the monthly coaching package: it includes an article like this one, journaling prompts, creative practices, spiritual rituals and supportive tools to help you navigate your rebellious path as an artist or creative entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship can be a windy road when you’re not grounded: it’s easy to get side tracked, go in multiple directions, because there are so many ways of doing something. What’s right for me? Should I invest in that program? Should I hire that team member? Am I making the right decision?

The first thing I want to dive into is the fact that there is no ultimate right or ultimate wrong decision. There’s just the right decision FOR YOU, and the right decision right NOW. We can put so much pressure on our shoulders to figure out the RIGHT decision… and thinking there is one. 

How do we overcome indecision and decision fatigue?

  1. Build your inner compass: get to know yourself

The thing is: we rarely make a decision that will have a huge negative impact on us, when we choose from a place of truly knowing ourselves and respecting ourselves. Which brings me to the most important point of making the right decision for you, and creating a simple decision making process: knowing yourself. The real you. Your true identity.

That’s a huge part of the work I do with my private clients: building their inner compass. Uncovering clues about their identity, their purpose, their values and what makes them tick. We spend time being curious about tools like astrology, human design, numerology, the Enneagram and Myer’s Brigg tests, their cultural background, life story, challenges and lessons. It helps us unearth some unique things about themselves that will help them clarify what’s a “yes” and what’s a “no”. The clearer you are on that, the easier it is to make decisions, and make them more quickly and with more confidence.

When you learn to be curious about your identity, and you clarify what feels true and what doesn’t, you won’t find yourself seeking external validation or advice so much, or getting stuck in multiple scenarios in your head. This process will help you to shift from making decisions just from your head, to allowing your heart or soul to speak, your intuition to guide you. The more you’re grounded in your truth, in your identity, the easier it will be to hear your intuition and to let it guide you. 

2. Discern what comes from love and what is motivated by fear

I would invite you to be curious and honest when looking at possible options: which ones are motivated by love (getting you closer to what you want) and which ones are motivated by fear (helping you avoid what you don’t want). Even though it may sound the same, it’s quite different. Moving closer to our vision, desires and goals can often trigger limiting beliefs and cloud our judgement. 

3. Make the decision once: create clear criteria for decision-making

Decision fatigue is a thing. It can be exhausting to be wasting energy making tiny decisions every second of the day. Make it easy on you: make the decision once by creating by setting a list of criteria for similar decisions. 

What are the checkboxes your new virtual assistant absolutely needs to check? What is the main emotion you want your brand to evoke? What is the main message you want your podcast to convey? What are the 3 most important characteristics of a beauty purchase? What are the essential criteria a coach, consultant or mentor needs to have to be the right support for you?

Get inspired by your own values:

Does it help me build closer connections? Does it help me feel free? Does it help me add more flexibility?

Prompts to make decision making easier

  • Does this align with my values and vision?

  • Does it help me get closer to my current manifestation?

  • Is it something my higher self would think or do?

  • Does it make me feel expansive or contractive?

  • Is it coming from a place or love? Is it motivated by fear?

  • Is it helping me stay away from what I want to avoid or is it helping get closer to what I want?

This episode might support you when it comes to learning to make decisions confidently.



Design a self-led creative retreat that will help you reconnect with the artist within, clarify your creative vision and find gentle structure to stay creatively consistent. Support yourself in building your own creative playground— an inspiring sanctuary for your artistic explorations, and find solutions to get unstuck when the creative process gets a bit messy.

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the creative playground

The Creative Playground

Join an intimate group of kindred spirits for a Full Moon creative gathering. We’ll unplug from the external noise and reconnect with the artist within. Bring your cup of tea or glass of wine, brushes, pencils, yarn, journal, guitar, microphone... and an open mind to experiment and play.

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Full Moon Ritual for Creative Entrepreneurs


Simplify your business and create space for the life you really want