3 shifts to make steady progress in your creative work

This article is an excerpt from a past MONTHLY LETTER. If you enjoy this kind of grounding support, sign up to receive the monthly coaching package: it includes an article like this one, journaling prompts, creative practices, spiritual rituals and supportive tools to help you navigate your rebellious path as an artist or creative entrepreneur.

Today, I am sharing three shifts to make steady progress on what matters this season.  

1- Deviate from "Why can't I?" to "How can I?"

 Dear creative mind, I want you to know that it is natural to feel uncertain, exasperated, and discouraged on hard days. Our inner critic can become a little more extra during such times, making us question our abilities and self-worth. 

Despite the challenges you may be facing, I hold the unshakable conviction that your creative mind can find solutions and overcome any obstacles, no matter how overwhelming they may seem. When negative thoughts dominate your thinking, I recommend shifting your attention to a more favourable perspective. Rather than ruminating on why you cannot achieve something, challenge yourself, "Despite all of this, how can I make it happen? What practical steps can I take to move forward?".

Even if it is just for a brief moment, set aside why something may appear impossible and explore other possibilities. By doing so, you provide your creative mind with a map to navigate solutions and new prospects.

2- Introduce yourself to the version of you who has attained their goal

The version of you who manifested their dream to reality differs from the one reading this email— they believe different things about themselves and, consequently, act differently. Grounding your creative aspirations into reality lies on the other side of a choice: following your truest desires instead of succumbing to your fears.

This may mean venturing out of your comfort zone and attempting something you've never tried before.

This may mean adopting a new persona and becoming the individual you've always longed to be.

This may mean allowing your true self to come out of the protective shell, even if it entails being exposed.

 3- Find support and ask for help on your creative endeavours 

 I want you to know that you don't have to walk this path alone. You were never meant to undertake this venture on your own. We need each other. Art cannot be created in a vacuum– it is a collaborative effort that requires the collective. Whether you prefer to join a community of like-minded individuals, such as The Creative Playground, or work with a private coach, you can make significant strides on your creative path with the right support.

If having a devoted companion in your corner would feel like a big exhale as you navigate this rebellious journey, I would be delighted to be by your side and offer my unwavering guidance.

Let's work together to unravel and untangle the knots you're navigating on your creative path. We'll take it one thread at a time to:

  • Empower you to turn your vision into a tangible reality with laser focus and less overwhelm.

  • Break free from self-sabotage and soften your inner dialogue to find your creative flow.

  • Equip you with actionable strategies that support your creative work with unyielding confidence.

  • Recognize the critical role creative well-being plays in achieving flow and minimizing resistance.

  • Reignite your passion for the creative process and infuse it with joy and ease, even amidst the messiness.

The truth is, I wholeheartedly believe in your capacity to bring your most meaningful project to fruition and manifest that beautiful goal of yours. You possess everything you need within you to make this happen. However, I understand this can be taxing, and collaborating with a supportive ally who understands you and believes in your mission can make the journey a little lighter. 

 Ready to collaborate and bring your vision to life? Let's connect and create something momentous. If you're looking for support to unearth and manifest your creative vision, I would love for you to schedule a clarity call so we can talk through your current challenges and aspirations, and identify what kind of support may benefit you right now. I'm always happy to create tailored journeys to meet your needs.



Design a self-led creative retreat that will help you reconnect with the artist within, clarify your creative vision and find gentle structure to stay creatively consistent. Support yourself in building your own creative playground— an inspiring sanctuary for your artistic explorations, and find solutions to get unstuck when the creative process gets a bit messy.

The Creative Playground

Every month, we gather for a 60-min session away from busy-ness and perfectionism to create, play, experiment, try new things or take brave action (ps. that can also be radical rest!).

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Making your creative mind a softer place to be


Cultivating healthy growth in our creative work